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Every time he started a soliloquy, my eyes glazed over because I knew it was going to take him 45 minutes to say 17 words. He.emed to.pause.after ? I understand going for a contemplative Hamlet who's really thinking through his situation, but it just felt like he chewed every thought for soooo long. I also felt like it dragged a bit, especially Scott himself. Claudius saying "contrary to our desire" instead of "retrograde to our desire," which just sounds so much cooler. However, I really didn't like most of the word substitutions, e.g. I took a small cue from it when I played Laertes. I'm a big fan of Q1 and I love to see directors/dramaturgs take cues from it. There were some changes to the text that I loved - I loved that they rearranged the order of the scenes a little bit, and I also loved that they included a scene from the first quarto that's not in the second quarto or the folio. I wouldn't say I hated it, but I think it's probably my least favorite Hamlet I've ever seen, which makes me very sad because I love Andrew Scott. I actually put together a remote synchronized watch party of this production with some colleagues.

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